DuckDuckGo charges too much serious charges to Google after its problems with the euro zone


  DuckDuckGo charges too much serious charges to Google after its problems with the eurozone
DuckDuckGo charges too many serious charges to Google after its problems with the eurozone

Continued European Union tax Google's $ 5 billion fine for anti-competitive behavior With Android products, the competing search engine DuckDuckGo claims that antitrust issues in the company do not stop not here.

This claim is a series of tweets from the DuckDuckGo Twitter account. The search engine claims that "anticompetitive search behavior is not limited to Android only", but it is also found in other products, such as the Chrome browser. "Whenever we update our Chrome browser extension, all our users are confronted with a formal dialogue asking them if they wish to cancel the search settings and disable the full extension."

– DuckDuckGo (@DuckDuckGo)

DuckDuckGo also points out that Google currently has a name The scope of "", and has since at least 2011 year. (Duckduckgo was launched in 2008.) On the other hand, a report from Independent indicates that the domain was registered before the creation of any company, but it was not clear when he belonged to Google.

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