Egypt News: Finding the most beautiful body of the primary universe


The most important and urgent news of Egypt – Egypt News: Egypt today: Sunday, July 22, 2018
with news details: Urgent News of the Egypt – Egypt News: Found the most brilliant body in the primary universe

Discover the most brilliant body of the primitive universe

Astronomers discovered Koizara, a pseudo-star at 13 billion light-years away from Earth, protagonist of the first universe, helped to discover the very long Baseline Array, where astronomers have detected lightning in the RF region of plasma emitters that emit roughly at the speed of light, according to "Russia Today".

PSO J352.4034-15.3373 consists of three components, one of which is a large black hole, the other two components are issued on each side or two parts of a single current.If the second probability is confirmed, scientists can determine the speed of plasma jets with high accuracy.

If the first probability is confirmed, it means that the quizar is a small new site, or Koizar is located in a dense medium that slows down plasma emissions, and later studies will assume that both possibilities are closer to the right. Egypt News: Find the most beautiful body in the primary universe The title of the story is linked to the news link in your site
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