Egyptian journalist Basma Wahba once again reveals the truth about her cancer (Video)


Egyptian journalist Basma Wahba once again reveals the truth about her cancer (Video)

# Toss_news

Source: Rasha Hamdi – Erm News

Egyptian news agency Basma Wahba has revealed the truth about recent cancer news she had found several years ago after announcing she would be traveling for about a month in America due to a health crisis .

"I traveled to America for a serious stomach operation, but it is far from cancer," said Basma Wahba in a telephone interview with Cairo and Al TV channel. -Anas.

The Egyptian media confirmed that she had passed the danger stage and that she had started to recover and had left the hospital, but that she was waiting for the doctor's decision to return to the hospital. Cairo, indicating that the return could take place in a week.

Bassma Wahba thanked all those who stood beside her in her illness or who had called for her recovery, pointing out that the disadvantages of fame spread rumors about the known person, which was sometimes a scourge.

She explained that despite her illness, she had begun preparations for the third season of the "Sheikh warm" program, to be presented at the next Ramadan, and is currently looking for the best guests to host the new season.

Basma Wahba was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012 and went on a long treatment trip abroad until she was cured of the disease.

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