El Gouna reveals the reality of the contract with Zamalek player. Change the date of the Egyptian volcano and the Renaissance


"Eurosport Arabia" presents the most important news in the corridors of most Egyptian clubs in the message "Euro Life": –

* Mohammed Faraj Amer, chairman of the club Smouha to visit the camp of the first club football team Six October in preparation for the new season.

Amer met the technical staff, led by Ali Maher and Atef Hanafi, the director of football, where he stimulated the players and asked them to do their utmost to fulfill the ambitions of the Board of Directors and members of the General Assembly.

Smouha faces his counterpart Beni Suef in their first match at the Cairo camp.

* The Al-Gouna club has denied the transfer of some sites on the existence of negotiations with Ahmed Refaat, the wing of the club Zamalek, during the current summer transfer.

Major-General Abdul Jalil Imam, director of contracts and spokesman for El Gouna Club, said the negotiations with Zamalek to join Rifaat were unfounded.

* The former coach of Ismaili and Arab League, Abutaleb Al-Essawi, confirmed that the victory team stood out and had many assets

The two teams meet on Wednesday 3 at the end of the international friendly tournament of Salalah.
"Ismaili 's victory is the most important of his attacks, but I think that Isma' s is the best in terms of the elements," said Essawi, "the success of the group. Ismaili in the reduction of the attack of the Omani team will ensure him the third place of the tournament.

He added: "In my opinion, Ismaili after the new offers, this Bramrama able to provide a level and distinctive results during the new season."

* The African Union (CA) agreed to change the date of the match between Al-Masry and Nahdet Al-Maghraby in the fourth round of the Confederations Cup by delaying the 3-hour meeting on Sunday instead of 6 of the same day.

The Board of Directors of Egypt, headed by Sameer Halabia, sent an official fax to the African Football Confederation (CAF) requesting that the date of his team's match against Nahdet Berkane El Maghraby in the Confederation be changed to 21h instead of 6.

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