"Emirates Dubai – Egypt" Launches Cumulative Return Fund "Plus"


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Emirates NBD – Emirates Bank has launched the Extraordinary Return Return Fund of the National Bank of Dubai (NBD) to offer all available banking products to meet the needs of different customer segments, with the aim of diversifying banking products to meet customer needs.

The fund aims to provide cash and cash equivalents through daily return on invested funds, the ability to subscribe and redeem in fund documents, and document performance. The investment belongs to the clients on a daily basis and is intended to be an open-ended investment fund investing in a variety of short-term, high-liquidity investments, including short-term debt instruments such as treasury bills, bonds, and bonds. bank deposits. This diversification aims to maximize returns with the highest liquidity and minimum risk. The return on the value of the Fund's documents is added daily.

The bank's managing director, Mr. Mohammed Brouh, stressed that the bank, eager to provide all the news and meeting the needs of its customers, has therefore launched a cash investment fund for all clients investing in instruments. He added that this fund is a new addition proposed by the bank to its clients, which allows them to freely invest in the fund and to obtain high returns while hoping that the fund will generate a strong demand from all customers, as it allows flexibility of withdrawal and deposit and a daily return. Karim Awad, CEO of EFG-Hermes, said: "The Egyptian market is brimming with promising opportunities.We see great potential for the investment fund market and the investment fund. MAZID is the first of its kind on the market since 2015. We are looking forward to a great success for this fund.Superior investment tools at our partners. "The Bank allows its clients to invest in the Fund by transferring the amount the client's required investment in a certain number of investment documents (units) based on the value of the unit that the Bank advertises to its clients on a daily basis.

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