Emirates News »Dubai Health» discusses cooperation with "Federal Nuclear Control"


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Dubai Health Authority (DHCC) discussed with the delegation of the Federal Nuclear Regulatory Authority (FANC) the cooperation mechanism Authorization and Use of Radioactive Sources, Diagnostic Reference Level and Reference Guidelines in the Radiation Protection Program.

HE Humaid Mohammed Al Qatami, Director General of the Dubai Health Authority, welcomed the delegation of the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FHA), chaired by Crester Fectrestone, Chief Executive Officer of the Dubai Health Authority. Health care to maximize the protection of the patient.

His Excellency hailed the active role of the Federal Nuclear Regulatory Authority in supporting health facility programs in the use of radioactive sources, the organization of training and training programs. medical training and scientific research. Raise awareness and awareness of the radiological risks and uses of radiation sources in the medical field and the biological effects of nuclear radiation, and ways to prevent these risks.

His Excellency highlighted the interest that DHA attaches to nuclear medicine projects that contribute to supporting its strategy in the field of CME.

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