Emmanuel Sinet rejects Oscar's invitation for her husband Roman Polanski


Emmanuel Sinet refuses to invite Oscar for her husband Roman Polanski

On Sunday, the French actress Emmanuel Sinet refuses an invitation to join the Academy of Arts and Cinematographic Sciences and attacks the # Hypocrisy of a group that expelled her husband Roman Polanski two months ago.

"I can not ignore the fact that a few weeks ago, the Academy expelled my husband, Roman Polanski, to try to keep up with the times," said M Sené in a column published in the French newspaper Le Journal du Démanche. Oscar for the movie The Painist (…) A strange case of amnesia. "

" Maybe the Academy believes that I am an impersonal actress and a social climber enough to forget that I married, 29 years ago, to one of the greatest filmmakers of the world ", denounced Sine," intolerable hypocrisy ".

Polanski, who won an Oscar, was expelled by the Academy in May for violating a code of conduct that he had established as a result of hundreds of harassment or sexual harassment charges. # 39; assault. Sex in the entertainment industry.

Polanski, 84, received a p Lee Oscar was the best director in 2003 for The Painist, who admitted to having had an unlawful sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl in Los Angeles in 1979.

Bill Cosby and Polanski were the first two members to be expelled from an art academy

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