European equities are dynamic and optimism prevails in global markets


The European stock market opened higher on Monday, as optimism about the strength of the global economy persisted despite the worsening trade dispute between the US and the US. European Union and the European Union. China and the United States and a new crisis in the British government linked to the withdrawal of the European Union.

The European Stoxx 600 index rose 0.5% and the British Financial Times and the British Financial 100 gained 0.4%.

Positive stock data in the United States on Friday reassured investors who have not yet felt a real slowdown because of increased trade restrictions.

German exports rebounded in May and gave more evidence of the strength of the economy in the second quarter, according to data released today.

In Britain, some have felt that the resignation of David Davies, Minister for European Union withdrawal, could actually help facilitate European secession.

BHP Billiton was one of the main drivers of the British stock market, rising by 2.2% according to the speculation that BP, with a 0.5% stake, would buy its rock assets in the United States.

Air France KLM was one of the top performers in the European market and rose 6.9% after announcing an increase in the number of passengers in June

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Source: 7th day

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