Events of the day The champion of the sixteenth stage of the Tour de France


Events of the day – The French cyclist takes advantage of the fall of former British leader Adam Yates and wins first place.

Bagneres-de-Luchon (France) The first in the 16th round (mountainous) Tour de France on Tuesday, taking advantage of the fall of former British leader Adam Yates, while retaining the British yellow jersey Giraint Thomas ( Sky).

And realized the Philippe, between Carcassonne and Panier-de-Luchon at a distance of 216 km, his second victory in the current version after having already won the tenth phase, 20 seconds before a small group of riders on the first day of four days in the Pyrenees.

Thomas, who kept the yellow jersey behind the finish line of about 9 minutes, remained in the lead with 1.39 minutes on the closest teammate And the Tour de France champion four British Chris Fromm.

The Dutchman Tom Domolan did not change the third place, 1.50 minutes from the leader

The stage was stopped about a quarter of an hour ago to allow the nursing staff The tear gas was used by the police It was very difficult to progress to the best and escape the rest of the runners, and I suffered the rest of the day. Unfortunately, Yates fell and disappointed me a bit, but he could have had it with me. The speed was very high throughout the day, and I was very risky and it is great and I am very happy with it. "

The 17th stage between Bagnères de Luchon and Cole de Porte is 65 km away, function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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