Facebook faces a fine because of the "scandal"

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The Director Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg has been questioned by US lawmakers and lawmakers about how Cambridge Anti-Techa has obtained data from 87 million Facebook users inappropriately by a researcher.

Reuters quotes Denham in an update.In the use of data analysis through political campaigns, he intends to pay a fine of 500,000 pounds (663850 thousand dollars).

Denham said Facebook violated the law for failing to protect user data "Modern techniques that use data analysis to target individuals give campaign groups the opportunity to connect with individual voters", a- she said in a statement. should not be at the expense of transparency, integrity and respect for the law.

Facebook can respond to the Commissioner before a final decision is made, and she withdraws the report and respond shortly

"As we have already said, we needed to do more to investigate Cambridge's allegations and move to action in 2015. "


Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, He was questioned by US lawmakers and lawmakers on how Cambridge ANALYTICA got data of 87 million m

Reuters quoted Denham in a update on his investigation into the use of data analysis by the political campaigns that she plans to fine Facebook 500 thousand pounds ($ 66,350,000). [19659001] Denham said that Facebook broke the law for failing to protect users' data, and that the way others used the data on its platform was not clear

Contact individual voters But that should not be to the detriment of transparency, integrity and respect for the law. "

Facebook can respond to the Commissioner before a final decision is made, and she withdraw the report and reply shortly [1965] 9001] Declaration "As we have already said, we had to do more to investigate Cambridge's allegations and take action in 2015."

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