Facebook is fined $ 645,000


In the UK, the Data Protection Commission has fined £ 500,000 ($ 645,000) for its role in the scandal of the political consulting firm.

The "Office of the Information Commissioner" (ICO) said that the "Facebook" site allowed a "serious violation of the law" and "granted application developers access to data from people without Clear consent "and" was failing to maintain, because it was not conducting appropriate tests on applications and developers using its platform, "according to the website" BBC "(BBC).

The fine is the maximum allowed by the old data protection law before its entry into force in May.

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In July, ICO informed the social network of its intention to impose a maximum fine.

It is reported that the scandal involving the use of political consultation and data analysis, "Cambridge Analtica" on Facebook, mainly American, in March, and used for election purposes around the world, including the campaign of US President Donald Trump in 2016. Face Facebook "Strong criticism on this issue, including legal reactions.

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