Facebook supports Instagram with 3 features to eliminate Snape Chat ..


We propose the latest news of the hour in the following article:

quoting on the seventh-day site, Sunday, July 1, 2018.

It is known that he There is a war between the Snape Chat and Entragam services owned by Facebook, Chat Facebook offers to buy it, which is crazy Facebook, which started stealing some features from Snab Chat and added to the Instagram service. Owned, and Facebook has recently strengthened its service with a number of features, which we observe the most important:

19659005] – Add music to stories

InStagram has announced a new feature that will be available To be applied on iPhone phones as of today, known as Music in Stories, where users who share stories on Instagram can now easily add music, but this feature is available only on iOS devices.

– Release of the light version of the application:

The image sharing service "Instagram" launches a new lightened version of its application less suitable for smart phones with low specifications, so to encourage more users around the world. And the benefit of its benefits even if their phones with limited specifications, while the size of the application Lite Instagram 573 KB, or about half a megaphone, while the size of the application on the 88.41 Mega and 141 megaphone basic Android phones on the iPhone and is planned to provide The new basic features provided by Instagram for all, and will consume b Anat and less storage space.

– Video and Video Group Conversations

InStagram has also introduced a new feature that allows its users to have group audio and video chats, and InStagram users can engage in two-way or group conversations with a number of users. # 5 subscribers The user can reduce and close the chat window to continue browsing the Facebook InStagram site

Thank you, as well as visitors to the portal Meedan News, for their trust and their presence.We promise to provide all important news from reliable sources, Facebook has been moved to support Stjeram with 3 features to eliminate Snapchat .. you know, the source is responsible for health news or not.
Source: Day 7

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