Farewell to animal pain



Goodbye to animal pain

Publication date: 26/07/2018

Abdul Latif Al-Zubaidi

Is this a new Big Bang in pathology? Say: "Science is a miracle if it is accomplished, the whole earth is happy with morality."
Farewell to the battles led by the oppressors to torture animals in laboratory experiments. There was no need to test drugs, toxins, pesticides, microbes, viruses, etc. on innocent creatures, to see their effects in humans. But science wanted to end the suffering of vulnerable people.
We are not in the midst of new transformations, we are at the threshold of a world that creatures have never known before. The article, published in the French review La Rochecher, discusses the great scientific success that will allow laboratory experiments to do without animals. It is terrible to hit a rat with a malignant disease in order to test the effectiveness of the treatment, but what is the solution? Here is the solution. What the magazine ignores, is the positive spark that the Arab mind no longer accepts. The pen leaves it to finish. In short, scientists take a stem cell, bringing it back to the embryonic state that allows it to produce any kind of organ in mini: mini-heart, mini-liver, mini-lungs etc., and especially a mini-brain with intertwined nerve cells. Bioengineering exploits computational capabilities for chemo effects calculations, intoxication rates, growth of injected brain hemorrhages and cure rate. Informal paranormalism goes further than the innovation of a hypothetical patient, for example a human "avatar", for example a 120 kg person with diabetes
The number of headaches is inevitable: chemists are transported by a giant Amazonian computer. A virtual supermarket, programmed 70 million chemical formulas, resulting in 30 billion possible combinations. The powerful computer has spent two days filing it. Greatness is that twenty thousand of this famine figure gave the same results as the experiments on animals. The intelligent machine has proven that 90% of its results are correct, a very high percentage. How much do we imagine the size of the "mini-brain" that they manufactured? Half a millimeter.
We have arrived at a positive love at first sight, the scientists have only an idea of ​​what these transformations can produce after fifty years. They have reached the achievements of today in ten, one hundred or one thousand. But none of that.
No science fiction man only two decades ago imagined science today. This micro-brain will occur when it is armed with supercomputer forces, a big explosion embodied in the conscious machine. Does the program understand the meaning of the conscious machine?
What's Needed: The Educational Outcome: The Arabian should come to say that he has a hundred billion nerve cells, including 100 trillion tangled.

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