"Fatima baby and the king's sons" .. Tragedy of history and conflict


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Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, a member of the Supreme Council and Sovereign of Sharjah, has signed a new literary book entitled "Fatima Bibi and the King's Sons" of Al Qasimi Publications in Sharjah. Author and historian capable of expression tools.

The story begins with the history of history with the sons of King Frugh Shah, who is the hero of the story. (The truth is that she is the wife of Fairuz Shah, the widow of Turan Shah and the wife of Muhammad Shah), the woman with the ambitious leg as inevitable destiny, fought to establish the reign of kings Hormuz and finished with her husband. King Mohammed Shah, after three Ajat, and their bacillus conflicts, in order to rule, a refugee in the city of Isfahan.

The novel also contained rich and accurate information, which showed how much the author was managing the history and geography of the region, as well as his artist tools. The novel was technically and technically linked in which the narrator takes a short place, leaving the reader confronted with the events that he sees. The novel came in a series of rich characters imposed by exclusive historical events, as documented for important events in a distinct way, as if we remained in the narrative construction of the novel on a formula that combines the construction of the theater and the scenario that brings coexistence to the reader where the author describes the theater of the event and takes the reader from the hand to the stage, and then retires, leaving the reader built into the events. "Even if we enter the palace, by this large decorated door and by the Great Hall, we arrive at the Council of the King", "The streets of Hormuz quickly filled with women pressed from house to house, with open doors and doors that closed. "" The woman, baby Fatima, the little boys … and the people who surround her scream. "

The author of the work has not forgotten to deal with concepts of love of power, its astonishment, the hidden aims of the colonizer, the conflict between the brothers, the wisdom and the madness, unity and dispersion. And the impact of education on hopes, because the novel revealed a deep scientific experience in the study of history and analysis, characterized by the actual documentation of documents, did not affect the flow of events ; The most famous in the history of the island of Hormuz.

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