Fernando Torres settles in Japan Sagan Tuso


Former Spanish striker Fernando Torres announced that he would move into Japanese Sagan Tuso's home in a free deal after leaving Atletico Madrid last month. [34] The 34-year-old striker said during a rally in his gym. In Madrid, on Tuesday, "We have received offers from all continents.My new team will be Sagan Tusso in Japan."

"I have received offers from France and Germany, as well than a Spanish team, but I did not think to move to another European team.

Torres, who spent two seasons with Atletico, also played for Liverpool, Chelsea and the United States. AC Milan and has twice crowned the World Cup and Europe with Spain.

Sagan Tussauds has been in the honor since 2012. He took seventh place in the year Last, but struggling to escape the relegation of the season.

Torres became the second major Spanish player to visit Japan in a few weeks after Andres Iniesta of Barcelona agreed to move to Vesel Kobe. fbq === & nbsp; undefined & # 39;) {
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