FIFA responds to Maradona after "robbery"

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In a release: "After Maradona's comments (…), FIFA strongly blames the criticism of the referees' performances as positive in a difficult and emotional match."

"FIFA also considers comments and allusions completely inappropriate and unfounded (19659001) England won the penalty shootout after 120 minutes of disputes, protests against arbitration, representation and injury claims.

FIFA explained that she "is doing everything in her power to guarantee the principles of fair play". "

FIFA said that she" deeply regretted reading such comments from a player who wrote the history of our sport. "

Maradona said that England's victory was" a massive flight "and that" "He's supposed to run a game of this size," he said "American Gayger, by chance."

"I apologize to the Colombian people, but we can not blame the players," he said. "[FIFA] FIFA comments in a statement:" After the comments of Maradona (…) FIFA strongly criticizes the criticism of the performance of the referee of the match, which is considered

"FIFA also considers comments and suggestions totally inappropriate and unfounded. "

England won penalties after 120 minutes full of disputes, protests against arbitration, representation and injury claims.

FIFA explained that it was doing "everything in its power to ensure that the principles of fair play, integrity and respect are at the ready. forefront of this tournament. "


Maradona stated that the victory of England was" a huge robbery "and that Gaeger"

Maradona continued: "I apologize to the Colombian people, but the players can not be blamed. " The referee was not judged as "A match of this importance."

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