FIFA World Cup 2017. FIFA condemns Maradona's criticism of refereeing


The International Confederation of Football (FIFA) has condemned the American Diego Maradona, who criticized the American referee Mike Jaegher, who played against England and Colombia during the last round of the Russian World Cup. 1.1 In original and additional time .

During his show on Venezuelan television channel Telesor in Argentina, crowned World Cup Champion in 1986, the referee said that England had been the victim of a "theft" massive "on the part of the referee. For Harry Kayne in the penalty box .

Maradona said: "I apologize to the Colombian people, but the players can not be blamed." The referee was not judged as "a match of such importance ." The match was held Tuesday at Spartak stadium in Moscow and was followed by Maradona from the stands as a FIFA guest .

The International Federation said in a statement to a spokesman that he "deeply regretted" the former Argentine player, refusing to criticize match officials who felt that they were "very positive in the match R "

" It must be kept in mind that the additional comments and tricks cited are totally inappropriate and unfounded ", he regretted, as they were published by" the player of the history book of our game ". England "src =" kick-penalty-England .jpg "title =" England penalty "/>
England penalty

Jaeger's performance was also criticized by Colombian players, including captain Radamil Falcao, for England's penalty kick to score the "Black Three" goal and his sixth personal World Cup goal, strengthening his lead

The match was extended with extra time and a penalty shot, after Colombian defender Yiri Mina scored the equalizer within 90 + 3 minutes

Jaeger was sentenced to six months of the Federation (North America, Central America and the Caribbean) in 2015 because of controversial decisions in the semi-finals of the Gold Cup between Panama and Mexico .

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