Find out why e-commerce is growing in the United Arab Emirates until 2022


  Growth opportunities in the region are high because young adults are eager to buy online because of the ease of use.

The growth opportunities in the region are high because young adults are eager to buy online. "The market is expected to grow by 16.4% over the next three and a half years, according to a report by BMI Research."

The report's authors said: "We are expecting the value of the commercial market E-mail To 48 , $ 6 billion in 2022, an increase of $ 26.9 billion over 2018.

"In particular, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia will remain the largest electronic commerce market and the most dynamic of the region ". The expected growth of the regional market is supported by the decision of, launched by the Emirati Emerald Mall conglomerate last October, "to initially focus on these two countries for expansion."

A global survey conducted by Visa from 600 UAE residents showed The National, 66% of buyers are now happy to buy online – up to 81% for Emirati – while 70 % feel comfortable paying utility or government bills using digital platforms.

19659004] has signed an agreement with eBay this month to allow its customers to purchase products listed on eBay in the US and in other countries.

From the second half of 2018, NO will receive orders and deliver products directly. Consumers Across the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia

This occurs in the context of Amazon's acquisition of, a leading Internet company in the Middle East, compared to $ 586 million last year. [Theeconomiesoftheregioncontinuetodiversifytheeconomyofwomen'sparticipationandtheparticipationoftheactivepopulationincreasesandthenumberofsubscriberstotheInternet3G/4GIncreasesthegrowthofconsumersine-commerce

In addition, opportunities are considered Growth in the region due to the large young adults who are eager to buy online because of the ease of business. 39, use, according to the IMC index. [196900017]

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