Finding the mechanism for applying the federal model for managing security risks


Dubai (ITU)

His Excellency Lieutenant General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, Deputy Chief of Police and Public Security in Dubai, discussed the mechanism for implementing the Federal Model of Risk Management and Disarmament. security. Police chiefs and senior officials from various sectors of the Ministry of the Interior in June.

This took place at the meeting chaired by His Excellency in his office of the Dubai Police General Command, in the presence of Brigadier Abdulaziz Al Ahmad, Deputy Director of the Federal Criminal Police, Colonel Marwan Nasser, Deputy Director of the police.

The Federal Safety and Security Risk Management Model aims to achieve the UAE 2021 vision of "A safe and equitable community", a unique initiative in the management of safety and security risks that ensures implementation events under safety microscope. According to their nature and gravity, according to a unified practical approach based on scientific and practical bases. The model operates in two stages: Phase I (Prevention Phase) The current situation is monitored and steps are taken to reduce a certain event rate to its lowest levels or take steps to prevent predicted events. Thank you for your follow-up on the news from the United Arab Emirates – to discuss the mechanism for applying the federal model of security risk management in Hamrin News and to inform you that the content of this news was written by the editors of the United Arab Emirates. Union newspaper. Not at all from the Hamrin News point of view, but it has been transferred in its entirety as it is, and you can read the news from its main source of the next link Union newspaper with the best.

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