For the first time, NASA hits the sun in August


  For the first time .. "NASA" Contact the Sun in August
For the first time .. "NASA" Contact the Sun in August

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"Meet the spacecraft (Parker Solar Prob) Sun," the US space agency NASA has launched a new on its official website announcing that it would send a spacecraft very close to the sun in August. agency, the probe will this time be closer to the sun than any other spacecraft, passing through the solar halo carrying warm heat, while studying the outer part of the sun's atmosphere, which causes solar wind.

The Parker Solar Pro, a small spacecraft from Cape Canaveral, Florida, is expected to be launched on August 6 for this seven-year mission.The solar system is expected to penetrate 6.1 kilometers from the sun's surface, which is seven times more pr Oche's of any other Parker Solar Pro spacecraft will continue to approach the sun more and more over time.

"Sending a probe to a place that has never been reached by ambitious work and sending it in such difficult situations is very ambitious," said Nicola Fox, one of signatories of the project, at a press conference yesterday. "Although we understand the sun better than ever before, there are still big issues to be solved, and that's what scientists hope Parker Parker will help them understand," the agency said on its website. Internet.

"Mankind has been studying the sun for thousands of years, our modern idea of ​​the sun revolutionized about 60 years ago with the beginning of the space age.We realized that the sun affects the Earth in many other ways than heat and light [19690001] Related Topics

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