For those who reduce carbohydrates for agility, beware of the consequences


German nutritionist Gabriela Kaufman said that the total elimination of carbohydrates for the purpose of losing weight and enjoying the physical condition had side effects threatening health.

She explained that carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body, its energy deriving its energy from glucose contained in carbohydrates. Otherwise, the body burns fat to turn it into energy, a difficult and time-consuming process that causes a constant sensation of fatigue, exhaustion and poor concentration.

The process of converting fat into energy is accompanied by an increase in the production of "ketones", which causes the emission of a nauseating odor through the mouth.

In addition, the complete elimination of carbohydrates deprives the body of important dietary fiber for digestion, and then presents digestion problems such as abdominal pain and constipation.

Kaufman emphasized the importance of dieting and moderate carbohydrate consumption, recalling that they should be eliminated without consulting a doctor or dietician.


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