For users of & # 39; iPhone & # 39; .. This girl has eaten shots & # 39; and wait for the answer "Apple .. What happened?


The famous online account "Reddit" announced the fire of an iPhone X phone with its owner and severe burns.

"The incident took place with her sister while she was lying on her bed with an iPhone X attached to her charger, so the phone was suddenly burned in the area near the existing cargo port," she said. the first author of this story on the site. And the fire is mounted up to the charger cable. "

The editor of the news that the girl has not yet filed an official complaint against "Apple", but is waiting for the response of the company, which promised to investigate the causes of the & # 39; 39; accident.

It is worth mentioning that this incident is not the first of its kind, which burned a phone from the version of Apple some time ago, had surprised the staff of the Las Vegas phone maintenance centers . The explosion of the phone "iPhone-8" was at his side, as well as the flames.

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