France and Croatia … Is this the final we want?


The world is waiting for the World Cup final to see if France will be able to win its second title or if Croatia will consider for the first time on July 15th as a national day with the World Cup and if the world championship is over. ambition of each team Winning for those who fight:

Despite two wins on penalties and once in a row, no one can question the right of Croats to win one of their previous matches. Or even prevent them from winning The time of the original Since football only recognizes the results and a measure of the team's ability to find the solution can never doubt the ability of the team. team to win his games.

That the final was among the two least teams for the errors or the two teams that did not find the winner of one or the other and that seems to favor the championship if one look at the question from a purely spherical point of view.

19659004] Certainly our football conversation with friends will not vibrate if we are stronger If Brazil, Germany or Italy, for example, n 's have not questioned the value of the final, the presence of Croatia on the other side could have raised the question of both teams and the final.

Away from the neutrality of winners and losers regardless of the names of the teams, the final lost as a crowd due to the great popularity of the adults who left the tournament and thanks to the marketing and principles of the team. current media attention, the arrival of the team is not necessarily

Before the last of the best Croatian stars, Ivan Pericic, be hurt, the search for # Information on the injury remained a difficult task as European newspapers did not pay enough attention to us. To compare this interest to the attention of the media if Sergio Aguero or Thomas Mueller were injured before the end of 2014 and do not exaggerate and compare it to Messi, for example.

Newspaper knowledge is that the public's attention to the individual details of the players of both teams decreases. For example One hardly feels that there is a final in World Cup despite the presence of many stars of La Liga and it applies to most major European newspapers.

A nice surprise, but: 19459005

It is interesting to see the World Cup come out of traditional forces. This is certainly an encouragement for all teams to participate in the upcoming Championships, as evidenced by the praise of Leicester after winning the Premiership two years ago.

Let's open a field of imagination and think about what might have happened in the Premier League. City, for example, Leicester and managed to win the title next season, followed by B So Sunderland then Aston Villa … Will the surprise factor continue to enjoy?

Read also … Croatia .. 90 minutes to erase 3 decades of failures

Same for the World Cup: if the surprise was repeated four years later, the tournament would start to lose something

A summary of the interview according to which what appeared at the 2018 World Cup can be beautiful in terms of excitement and surprise can be a cruel lesson But we must look the uprising of the masters of the game after 4 years in Qatar for fear that the prestige of the tournament to the test compared to other competitions that attract the attention of the masses and the Champions League, by example. This article expresses the personal opinion of the author and not necessarily that of the site

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