Free wrestling news: Vince McMan Egypt to create enmity between Leesner and fans of the fight


WWF World Champion WWE Champion Brock Lesnar continued to appear in the UFC226 UFC226

Leesner entered the Octagon Circuit after the end of Daniel Cormier's defeat against Stipe [19659003] Lysner pushed Kurmier, who challenged him to face the UFC, which was accepted by the human locomotive.

The public questioned the fate of Brock Lesnar at the WWE and in particular He hopes to see him in the Big Summer Samar Salam Show to defend the title

News reports indicated that Vince McMahon had made the decision not to name Brock Lesnar in any WWE show or even in the world belt held by Lesnar during the week of the Extreme Rolls show.

These reports confirmed that Vince McMahon He wants the audience to focus on the clashes that will be seen both in the Extreme Rolls show and on the other hand on the enmity between Leesner and the wrestling crowd

The WWE president is trying to make Leesner believe the title and thus accept the masses the idea that Roman Rynes headlines in the face against the human locomotive In Samar Salam's premiere .

Vince McManan can plan this scenario behind the scenes until Brock Lesnar's departure for the WWE is announced in order to join the UFC later