French police abandon the Champs Elysees after a clash with unruly fans


French police fired tear gas and scattered crowds on the Champs-Elysees on Sunday after clashes with a crowd of unruly supporters threatened to spoil the World Cup celebrations against Croatia in the Cup final of the world. In the Russian capital of Moscow

Millions of French fans gathered in the streets after the siren and thousands gathered in the famous street of central Paris

However, at dusk, a small crowd clashed with the police and destroyed Stores and private property in

Some threw stones and other projectiles on the police, who fought back with tear gas

The BFM television channel said that the Security officials had made the decision to disperse the crowd, noting that a problem had also been reported. At the center of a small crowd in the city of Lyon

France mobilized nearly 110,000 security forces during celebrations of the national holiday known as the Bastille Day Saturday and the final of the Cup of the world yesterday.

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