Friday "Mars" decorates the sky of the Arab homeland in synchronization with the total eclipse


The sky of the Arab world will be Friday, July 27, 2018 with the presence of Mars in the meeting, and the disc is fully illuminated by the sun and the peak of brightness compared to this year, the best time to see and photograph the planet in conjunction with the total eclipse.

The Jeddah Astronomical Society revealed in a report that Mars will be located at the nearest point on the Earth on Tuesday, July 31, four days after its appearance, because the encounter does not occur on the same day as the furthest distance. close, Because the Earth and Mars revolve around the sun in elliptical and not completely circular orbits, so there is a difference of some

This year, she says, she would not make Mars near Earth to the same historical distance as in 2003, but it would be an ideal match and the planet would be at the top of the skyline .

The disk of Mars can only be seen by medium-sized telescopes, where we see its main surface features, with the dust storm that covers the entire planet since June and when the planet is seen at the naked eye. 19459003.]

And this: to meet the planet Mars occurs every two years, which means that this encounter in the sky occurs after 2016, and at the time of the cross the Earth between the sun and Mars, and each time that this is happening with one of the outer planets

The encounter is an important event because Mars is close to the Earth and better lit in the Dome of Heaven and is visible all night, shining at sunset and reaching the highest point of the sky towards midnight towards the south horizon and to walk with the sunrise the next day .

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