Galaxy S10 Integrates Exynos 9820 Processor With 7nm Accuracy – News – United Arab Emirates


Oud Al Hazm

The Korean giant will present its Galaxy S10 next year with the Exynos 9820 processor chip of a 7-nanometer precision and the EUV architecture developed by Samsung.

The Korean giant will present its Galaxy S10 next year with the Exynos 9820 processor chip of a 7-nanometer precision and the EUV architecture developed by Samsung.

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The Korean giant plans to launch its next generation Galaxy S10 next year with the best specs. The processor chip is one of the most important specifications to guarantee the best performance of the phone.

The Samsung Galaxy S10 comes next year with the Exynos 9820 processor chip designed with an EUV architecture with two NPU cores providing 7 nanometer accuracy.

The Exynos 9820 incorporates better features of using artificial intelligence in the camera, according to the most stringent standards in image processing, perception of Image, image classification and conversational perception.

The Korean giant is already producing a 7-nm EUV chip. Samsung uses the EUV architecture to support the Galaxy S10 with artificial intelligence technology. The resolution of the chip at 7 nm should also offer better performance to the Galaxy S10 compared to the previous version.

Huawei presented the latest versions of the Kirin 980 chip based on artificial intelligence technology, and Apple introduced the A12 Bionic chip in its latest versions.

The use of artificial intelligence chips next year should also extend to smartphones, handsets and cars.

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