Germany plans to create half a million new jobs in 2019


The German Chamber of Commerce and Industry has forecast that half a million jobs would be available next year.
According to the German newspaper Srebroker Zeitung, the service sector will receive the largest number of jobs (120,000 jobs).
These forecasts are based on a Chamber survey of 27,000 businesses.
The results of the survey showed that 90,000 new jobs would be created in each of the trade, transport, catering and industry sectors, but also to a lesser extent (50,000 jobs).
According to the survey, it will be the 14th consecutive growth in the number of employees in Germany, and the House estimates that the number of new jobs this year will be larger than expected for the next year. next year to reach 580,000 jobs.
Eric Schweitzer, chairman of the chamber, said that the steady increase in the number of new jobs is due to factors such as the shortage of skilled labor "companies are actively looking for employees," stressing that more than 60% of companies in Germany believe that this Specialized shortage is a risk factor for their business.
The Federal Labor Agency has recently registered a strong demand for specialized labor.
The agency said late October that the number of vacancies reached a high level had not been reached before.
The unemployment rate in Germany fell below 5% last month for the first time since reunification in the early 1990s.

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