Google adds new options to the list of Android apps and games


  Google completes new options to the list of outstanding Android applications and games
Google completes new options to the list of Android applications and games

Thursday, July 5, 2018 13:15, We are proud to present you the news of today, "Google full of new options to the list of applications and unique Android games", which has been transformed as is without any modification of the news content. And without writing content Al Khobar aims to distract the continental citizen and the Arab citizen from the truth that is still sought by them and nothing else, we have brought you the most important news today, which is entitled "" was exposed in your hands

Thursday, July 5, 2018 13:15, (Arab News _ Your way to the truth) – Google selects only the best games and apps from the Google Play Store to be part of the Android program Excellence with "Editor's Choice".

New options for July include 14 apps and 7 games. Typical applications include Beelinguapp, which allows you to learn a new language by reading stories, applying Fortune City which allows you to manage your money, and implementing ShareTheMeal, which allows you to make donations to the Program world food. If you want to fill your free time, you can use games like Animal Crossing, Pocket Camp, Cash, Inc., Shadowgun Legends and four other games. Generally, here is the complete list below.

New Android Applications: Featured Android Games:


Google adds new options to the list of great Android apps and games, you must learn that you are part of your team . By clarifying the truth if the news is wrong by your comments downstairs, wishing you health and well-being, and do not confuse your opinion in the news above with comments because your opinions are always important and do not forget not follow us on the social networking pages Arab website And our pages on the sites of Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, and news and news, political news, economic, technical, sports, technical, health and Eve's beauty and world and news and entertainment to join you immediately after the first occurrence. [19690001] [19690001] [19690001] [Français] [19690001] [19690001] Français العربية 1965λληνικ [العربية [arabe] – Google Full New Options to the list of unique Android Applications and Games – 196 59014] Related Topics

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