Google has fined $ 5 billion because of "Android settings"

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Imposed by the European Commission will be the highest fine ever imposed on a company for violating the rules of the European Union.

Google faces this fine because of the Android settings that make their search engine by default on smartphones

This fine comes a little over a year after a fine of 2.4 billion euros was imposed on Google for having favored its services to its competitors.

Mobile has a fierce competition in operating systems between Google's Apple iOS and Android and other less common systems such as Windows and BlackBerry.

The Android system is deployed in the world of smartphones, followed by the operating system of Apple.

L & # 3 9; fine imposed by the European Commission will be the highest fine ever imposed on a company for breaking EU rules.

Google is imposed this fine because of the Android settings that make its default search engine on Android smartphones It too, with

This fine comes a little over a year after that. a $ 2.4 billion fine was imposed on Google for having favored its services to its competitors.

The mobile phone market is experiencing stiff competition in iOS operating systems

The Android system is widely deployed on the throne of smart phones on a global scale, followed by the system of 39, Apple's operation.

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