Google launches the second generation of Pixelbook devices next to Pixel October 3


  Google launches the second generation Pixelbook next to Pixel October 3
Google launches the second generation Pixelbook next to Pixel October 3

In May, there were rumors that Google is preparing to launch the first On Expects the name to be Pixel and will be launched next to the phones Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL In October the Incoming, The Famous "Ivan Plus" on Twitter Twitter that these products will be added to the second generation Pixelbook with small edges.

It may be premature to specify the specifications, but the update program Pixelbook will probably work on Chrome with the latest installments of Intel or ] Qualcomm ARM and will support Google Personal Assistant. [194900011] According to gsmarena the new Pixel phones usually arrive the first week of October, and that is also the time when the world will see the second generation of one. laptop Pixelbook Also.

Source: 7th day

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