Google offers warning: Android will not stay free


  Google offers warning: Android will not stay free
Google offers warning: Android will not stay free

Follow-up of color news:

Google CEO Sundar Pichai responded to the decision of EU (19659005) Bichai hinted that the decision sends a worrying signal in favor of monopolistic regimes rather than open systems.

Sondar wrote: "For the love of the world, Being successful open platforms, you must balance the needs of each person uses, and shows history Without basic compatibility rules, open source components harm to users, developers and phone makers, and Android compatibility rules avoid this and help make it an attractive product for all in the long run.

He said that according to the investment of the # 39, business in Android, it is reasonable to ask some Google manufacturers to include some of its applications, but he refused, but Sondar said that this decision was threatening the financial basis of the Android system. 19659007] Source: Harmony

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