Google will have to make big changes on Android – UAE Urgent News


Google could face a record penalty for European regulators due to the abuse of its hegemony on smart phone platforms and compel it to manufacture smart phones and smartphones. other devices …

Google could face a record penalty Abuse of its hegemony on smart phone platforms and force smart phone manufacturers and other devices running with its Android mobile operating system to use its own web search and browsing tools, which could lead to major changes in most operating systems

The conviction of Margaret Margarete Vestager, a Danish politician who is currently European Commissioner for Competition and Competition Antimonopoly, should include a fine of up to $ 11 billion if a survey conducted by the Antitrust authority of the European Union, this behavior constitutes an abuse of its dominant position in the market.

This means that the current value of the fine exceeds the previous value of $ 2.7 billion imposed by the European Commission. 2016 on Google abuse the Android system, when the European Commission informed the company that it could violate the antitrust rules through the Android system.

According to the initial charges announced in 2016, Google is accused of demanding business The company claims to have provided hardware incentives to place its apps on the phones, but also threatened to block the phone. access to the Google Play Store if businesses do not.

Most people see Android as an Open Source system, the so-called Android Open Source Project (AOSP), which is the software core communicating with the hardware elements of smartphones, allowing calls and Internet access on the wireless network, which everyone can use and develop.

Apart from that, another key component is Google's mobile services known as GMS, which Google describes as the best that it offers, so this is part of the phone program that the Most people think when they talk about Android, which includes a Google assistant

This section also includes other applications such as the YouTube video platform, the & plate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Photos application, chat applications, and especially the Play Store Play Store. Indeed, even if you do not have to pay for the use or distribution of GMS, you must enter into a license agreement with Google. These agreements are therefore the heart of the problem. 19659003] According to the European Commission, the giant Research has prevented phone makers from creating devices running on modified or complex versions of Android by asking them to enter into a defrag agreement. They have not allowed companies to access their official Google apps, including the Google Play Store. Did not Accede to the Convention

The European Union Antitrust Committee may oblige the US company to remove restrictions on competitive demands, giving European competitors an advantage they do not enjoy not currently, like HTC and Samsung Ineluctable, where v Google has defined its own search engine as the default search service, with its Chrome browser.

If companies do not comply, they lose access to the Google Play Store, preventing owners of smartphones and tablets. Downloading games and other applications or services by Google's competitors, provided by third-party developers.

The EU decision could lead to more significant changes in the way Google allows its Android system. What the company was waiting for With Google ensuring its continued dominance and therefore, the next decision on Google may prohibit the implementation of application setup agreements with hardware manufacturers.

The EU can force the company to switch providers Their tablets, which could have serious consequences for Google, by providing their search engine and browser on Android devices, allow Display more advertisements on user data.

Cancel this method reduces profits And urged them to rethink the system "Google is not obliged to take Google applications," said Jacob Kucharczyk, a manager of the Computer and Communications Industry Association , a group of Google companies. If you want to get specific applications, you need to have it all together, "he said, adding that it helps Google to make sure it can finance the open source system.

The possible fine shows how the most organized EU Aggressive in the world for technology giants After nearly 10 years of scrutiny, last year, Europe has imposed a $ 2.7 billion fine on Google in the anti-monopoly case of using its own search engine to improve its own purchasing services over competitive services .

In January 2018, Qualcomm was fined $ 1.2 billion, Intel fine to $ 1.3 billion in June 2014 and Apple to $ 13 billion of dollars. Billion euros to the Irish government, and invited Amazon 250 million euros to Luxembourg, and Facebook was fined 110 million euros to give misleading data regarding the acquisition of Watsab in 2014.

Luther Lowe, Vice President of Public Policy at Yelp, "We are now facing a situation in which European consumers will be better protected than American consumers."

Google has confirmed that it ensures that Android provides a consistent experience for users, even though it's the EU claims that the company is preventing consumers from N L & # 39; The purchase of innovative smart mobile devices based on modified or alternative versions may be better than the Android system, and although the decision of the EU is not the end, the company can to appeal, but may have to change its business practices or

EU antitrust regulators have delayed the case until next week to avoid any conflict with the scheduled visit of the US President Donald Trump in Brussels. NATO Summit, the European Commission decided to convene a meeting of national competition agencies to inform them of the case, but this meeting was changed to become July 17, without giving rise to change .

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