Great criticism of Keely Jenner for "infidelity" of his son!


Keely Jenner's extensive critique for "infidelity" of her daughter's ear! Al-Maqtar, quoting Al-Fan, criticizes Kayly Jenner for "infidelity" of her daughter !, Kylie Jenner is widely criticized for her daughter's "infidelity"! Today we publish our news through our Al-Maqtasar newspaper and start with the most important news, Kylie Jenner is widely criticized for her daughter's "infidelity".

Al-Maqtar newspaper criticizes actress Kaili Jenner – star actress Kim Kardashian

Kylie Jenner posted a video of her 5-month-old daughter, and her daughter wore earrings, which which earned him a torrent of criticism.

A post shared by Kylie Jenner (@kyliesnapchat)

One of them wrote: "Did you cry Sturmie when I pierced her ear?"

Others wrote: "Kylie pierced an ear

Another author criticized the order:" You must be joking with me, hell is there! 39, the ear of a child, what's the next thing, and tattooed? "

The children's exhibition in the United States to a hole Their permission to wear earrings is controversial and often rejected, instead of being part of the culture of some Asian, African and South American countries.

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