GRID Autosport on Android in 2019


Latest technology news: The latest racing game GRID Autosport on Android in 2019 This technical news was published on the official source: Techworld Tuesday, November 13, 2018
With the latest news: Technology News: The GRID Autosport racing game arrives on Android in 2019

GRID Autosport on Android in 2019

GRID Autosport is a high end racing game available on the iOS system since 2017. We knew that it would arrive on Android. Unfortunately, after its delay last year, it was supposed to be present this year, but with a lot The problem is again related to the launch, while Feral Interactive announced that his game would arrive on Android, but users will have to wait until 2019 .

This postponement is due to the fact that the transfer of the game on Android was not going well and that the game was not working at full capacity. This may be the reason why the company recently declared that its game would be launched in certain regions, such as North America, Europe, Australia and parts of Asia, and these users possess Sophisticated is a requirement for such great games.

Finally, it is good to know that Feral Interactive has not disappointed users of Android and that GRID Autosport should arrive on this system next year. By the way, the game received positive reviews, either on iOS or on computer.

Shein WW

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