"Harvest Camp" implements 5644 hours of volunteer time and attracts 367 volunteers from children and adults


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At the end of the sixth edition of Volunteer Harvest Camp, organized by the Department of Social Services, under the slogan "Volunteer for Sharjah", 367 volunteers were recruited to implement 5644 volunteer hours. By camps in the Sharjah Emirate
Fayza Khabab, Director of the Volunteer Center of the Department, revealed that 314 volunteer children were recruited, while the number of volunteers was about 53 adult volunteers , bringing the total number of youth and adult volunteers to 367 volunteers, in addition to the participation of 45 supporters The number of volunteer hours completed by volunteer children has reached 4 123 hours, while the number of volunteers volunteers increased by 1,521 hours, bringing the total number of volunteer hours for the sixth edition of the harvest camp to 5644 hours. In terms of volunteering opportunities, a total of 74 opportunities were implemented through 89 programs, ranging from humanitarian, social, educational and rehabilitation programs to enable children to develop their skills and encourage them to work. Volunteering, highlighting that volunteering opportunities are compatible with Community Activities and Initiatives in Community Accountability
These activities represent an opportunity to "donate" to workers: first, to offer them gifts in the community. aim to introduce happiness and pleasure; The different types of worker drinks as a kind of community solidarity, especially in the summer season.
The volunteer camp included a recreational program through a workshop to teach children how to make ceramics, visit the Mitry Hall, and a trip to the Sharjah Exploration Center. In addition to this, we had the opportunity to participate in the initiative "Masidna", an initiative to familiarize children with the cleaning of the mosque, as well as the initiative "Read Me".
The HASSAD Volunteer Camp is one of the most important activities organized by the Department through a set of programs for students aged 6 to 12 The Ministry undertakes volunteer activities based on its community responsibility and its interest in various social and social classes Especially children, because the camp aims to promote positive values ​​among young people because of their benign implications on their behavior and interests since childhood.

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