He sees with the naked eye, Mars appears in the sky at the end of July


Mustafa Sabri

In conjunction with the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century at the end of the month, the Earth's population is experiencing another cosmic phenomenon, approaching the planet Mars, To look at Through the telescope, on July 27, it will appear as a bright red dot in the sky, according to the British "Metro" newspaper.

"Like all the planets in our solar system, the Earth and Mars revolve around the sun, but the Earth is closer to the Sun and thus its orbit is faster than Mars, the Earth ends two cycles in the same space" . The time it takes for Mars to make a trip. "

" Sometimes the planets are on opposite sides of the sun, far apart, and at other times the planet meets its neighbor and gets relatively close. "

US Space Agency and Scientific confirmed that the last time the red planet reached this degree in our reputation was in 2003, ie 15 years ago

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