Hidden by sarcasm in his belly. Exciting scenes for the most serious diamond theft in Dubai


Thanks for your reading, hidden by sarcasm in his chest .. A dramatic corridor for the most dangerous diamond theft in Dubai. We assure you that we are always looking to provide you with everything new and exclusive and we are now going into detail.

In less than 20 hours, the police investigation and police department of Dubai managed to recover a stone stolen by a man and a woman in a jewelery market gold Naif, The disappearance of the diamond in 3 hours .

Major-General Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-Chief of the Dubai Police Force, commended the efforts of the Investigations Directorate teams and the accuracy and timeliness of its work, highlighting the concern of all the departments and centers to implement the strategic goals of the Dubai Police. Respond to emergencies in record time, be able to arrest and bring to justice, protect public property, lives and symptoms, enforce order, respect the law and enhance people's sense of security.

Major-General Abdullah Khalifa Al-Marri said the specialized teams of the Criminal Investigations and Investigations Branch had managed, in less than 20 hours, to recover the diamond stone concealed by women in their neighborhoods, thanks to follow up and professionalism of the investigative teams and to the efforts of Interpol in the administration. In record time, and stopped in the transit of the Republic of India after traveling abroad and tried to escape.

Brigadier General Jamal Salem Al Jallaf, Director of the General Department of Criminal Investigation and Investigations, said that the professionalism and professionalism of the Dubai police investigation and investigation teams helped to enhance the security of citizens and residents of the United Arab Emirates. Security is the cornerstone of stability and a decent life, underlining the constant concern of teams to investigate and investigate the arrest of the perpetrators, to bring them to justice and to Help victims recover their rights.

"The use of intelligent analysis techniques in search and investigation tools has strengthened the ability of the Dubai police to detect crimes, in addition to the sense of security and safety." experience accumulated by the research and investigation teams that enabled them to cope with the most complex crimes and planning,

Brigadier-General Jallaf said that immediately after receiving the report, the chief of police of Dubai and his assistant in charge of criminal investigations, Major General Khalil Ibrahim Al-Mansouri, had set up a research team charged with to select the best-trained criminal executives who can link and analyze events at the Criminal Data Center. The Dubai police general handled these communications based on a methodology adopted by the Dubai police to form the working groups. He pointed out that the work teams had visited the same jewelry store. on the gold market in the Naif area and had gathered evidence regarding this incident.

Al-Jallaf explained that the research and investigation had revealed the entry of a jewelry store in a store specializing in the sale of jewelry. A man and a woman of Asian origin had told the seller that he wanted to buy small stones with a set of specifications, but did not specify it either. In the meantime, the woman took advantage of the seller to expose other items to his partner in the crime, and then held close to the jewelry showcase at the entrance from the store and opened the glass door and inserted his hand and stole the 3.27-carat stone worth 300,000 dirhams, and then hid the stone diamond under Coat "jacket" was Put it on his hand so as not to be revealed to him, then moved and stood next to the man and left the store to an unknown destination.

"After 3 hours, the seller discovered the disappearance of the diamond stone and the surveillance cameras in the store showed that the woman was able to open the glass table and fly with it. help from the man who was covering and blocking the vision of the store workers and was escaping in the unknown.

Colonel Adel Al-Joker, director of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Criminal Investigation and Investigations Branch, said the search and investigation teams had quickly started to search for men and women and had been careful to what they do not rest until their perpetrators are brought to justice. The efforts of the field teams to find their identity and verify their verification showed that they were able to leave the country after the flight directly, via the Dubai International Airport to the Republic of India during of a transit trip, then to travel to their home, which indicates that the receipt of the command and control of the Dubai Police Department, three hours after the commission of the crime, for lack of knowing the owner of the store, contributed to the departure of the accused.

Colonel Adel Al-Joker praised the investigators, who have the experience and potential of the confessions of the defendants, acknowledging having stolen the diamond from the store and swallowed it in his belly to smuggle him into his country d & # 39; origin. The medical specialist gave him a solution to extract the theft and recovered it in a few hours, and legal proceedings were instituted against the defendants with a view to their referral to the judicial authorities.

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