His agent explains the destination of Joseph's well-known arrival


Osama Farahat, the agent of Al-Zamalek midfielder, Marouf Youssef, revealed yesterday his meeting with the White House to agree on the next destination of the player after his official departure.

Farhat confirmed in private statements that the player's position will be determined in the coming hours and announce his new club in the middle of the post-bid presence.

He continued, "A well-known player will play in the Swiss league or the Saudi league."

Zamalek sits on the sale of Marouf Youssef due to the presence of 4 foreigners currently Hamdi Nqaz, Sassy Ferjani, Kasongo and Hamid Ahad.

and stays in a known contract with Zamalek one season and officials have decided not to renew his blank.

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