How is VAT collected from institutions?


We show you the most important news in the following article:

On the website of the electronic newspaper Sada, Tuesday, November 6, 2018.

Companies subject to VAT must issue invoices and be kept for examination, adding that at the end of the tax period, the total of these invoices will be recorded in the declaration and that invoices will not be submitted to the tax office. 'Authority.

He pointed out that the value added tax is collected from the taxable institutions through the tax return that it must submit to the Authority within a specified period, in accordance with its annual taxable income.

Finally, we thank visitors and subscribers of the East Times website, and we are committed to providing you with all that is new and important from reliable sources of information, where we have transferred (how VAT is collected from The establishments?). And the source is responsible for the authenticity of the information.
Source: Echo Journal

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