How to prevent Android apps from stealing and sharing data from your phone?


  Simple Steps to Prevent theft of Telephone Data

Simple Steps to Prevent theft of Telephone Data

A recent study by researchers at Northeastern University in the United States found that phones spy on their users with a telephone microphone.

The techrepublic website notes that smartphone users have long suspected that some apps were listening to their conversations for better use in advertisements, The new study was conducted by researchers from the Northeast University, and was vinegar The analysis of more than 17,000 popular Android applications revealed that the crisis of privacy is not limited to audio recordings, but also to applications that capture video recordings and send them to third parties.

Although the Android Privacy Team has taken steps to prevent such issues, users can control these apps in ways that significantly preserve the privacy of their data by following these steps.

– Open the Settings app

– Click on the Applications and Notifications option

– Select the application you want to review

– Click Permissions to see all that the application can access

– To stop, click on it, and you may need to click on the confirmation box.

– For a more complete list of permissions, you can click the Apps & Notifications screen and then click Application Permissions. In this window, you can browse the applications with the permissions you access and disable anything you want.

The "techrepublic" website confirms that users need to know more about how their data is viewed and used, application companies should better disclose this information, avoid Facebook's bad reputation after the Cambridge Analytics scandal and disclose user data. [ad_2]
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