HTC announces early booking of the new Qin Block phone


Dubai – Home
HTC, the maker of Taiwanese smartphones, announced the anticipated release of its new HTC Exodus Xceeds from the third quarter of this year, Worldwide.
HTC says it's translating its vision of expanding the Qin Block system by unveiling the world's first smartphone dedicated to "decentralized applications" or to "decentralized applications" Security Levels The company has also confirmed that the "Exodus" phone is also equipped with a digital wallet "Cold Storage Wallet" to save digital currency without the need to connect to the network.
With the launch of HTC Exodus, users can quickly access the world of decentralization. "In the third quarter of this year.
In the same context, HTC has announced an outstanding partnership with the new digital coin" Cryptocates ", which represents the first operating games Block Qin", for distribute the game exclusively on selected HTC + U12 devices.
Experts believe that these partnerships represent a very important step in the establishment of a platform and distribution channel for creators who invent unique digital products. Type. Believing that the smartphone is one of the most prevalent devices in the history of humanity, it is necessary to prepare it to emulate these digital resources and applications to make it a major distribution point.
HTC describes its partnership with Crypto Kitz as a breakthrough
In addition to this, HTC also announced two new partnerships to accelerate progress in this area, first with Animuka for the distribution of the game Crypto Kitts And the second with "Betmark", the existing digital real estate project

MG Motor announces the new MG GS for 2019 in the Middle East

Dubai – Home
MG Motor announces the arrival of the new vehicle MG GS at the East Middle. While the previous MG MG was the first SUV to be launched on the international market, the new improved model takes a step further thanks to its modern and practical interior, its high level of equipment and its dynamic design. .
The new MG GS is available in the area with 2.0T COM and 2.0T LUX AWD wheel drive systems, starting at just $ 17,200 per market, and the new MG SUV offers plenty of flexibility

The changes can be seen immediately from the outside as the new MG GS features a more athletic but at the same time more daring front. The newly designed bumper helps to improve the vehicle's aerodynamics and is beautifully complemented by large windshields and redesigned air outlets.
Improvements continue to be made with significantly better finishing touches, with many hard angles and replaced plastic parts. More than 80 percent of the surfaces are now covered with soft textured materials, a significant increase over the first-generation model of 30 percent. MG has worked hard to reduce noise levels in the cab, making it quiet and comfortable at the same levels.
The center console has been completely updated to provide a more refined finish with more features. It now includes new 360-degree air-conditioning openings, while the newly developed compressor boosts system operation while reducing noise. The new console features a new 8-inch high-resolution touch screen with fast response feature, allowing users to control functions in multiple languages, such as finding points of interest (POI) with the Navigation availability and map of GCC countries are accessible without the need for communication. On top of that, the multifunction steering wheel has been redesigned with a smaller diameter and three arms, improving control and control capability.
True to its reputation for excellent value, the new MG GS is excellent in terms of equipment. Standard features available in the models include fold-down electric mirrors, power sunroof, keyless entry, speed control, push-button power switch, auto stabilizer, slope control, rear view sensors and rear view camera. The entertainment system is also supported by the Apple CarPlay feature.

Smarty International Launches Latest Interactive TV Marketing Solution

Dubai – Home
Smartty International, World Leader in Interactive TV Marketing Solutions, Announces Worldwide Launch of Advanced Advertising Technology in Dubai Aux United Arab Emirates.

For the first time in the world, viewers will be able to identify the types of ads they want to see and the frequency of their appearance, all without disrupting programs. What they watch. Viewers will also receive material compensation for the broadcast of ads and will have the opportunity to shop directly on the TV screen, among a variety of unparalleled offers and offers.

Commenting on this event, Fares Abu Hamad, Managing Director of Smarty International, said: Smarty is the ideal business partner and the only provider of interactive and low-cost advertising and marketing solutions, making it an ideal tool for small and medium enterprises. According to the UAE Ministry of Economy, the SME sector accounts for more than 94% of the total number of companies operating in the UAE. In Dubai alone, these small and medium-sized businesses account for approximately 95 percent of all their businesses and contribute about 40 percent of Dubai's gross domestic product. Therefore, it is clear that these businesses are driving the growth of the local economy, and our role is to actively support them and encourage them to promote their growth. "

" Smarty not only allows small and medium-sized businesses "Smarty is the only service provider that respects the privacy and data of customers and rewards them for their interest and interaction."

Small and medium-sized businesses may place effective, discrete or overlapping advertising on all live or recorded television channels. Associated with high costs These companies have the unparalleled advantage of geographically targeting their customers by location, which allows advertisements to reach more directly and directly the target audience. "As the new capital of innovation in the world, we have chosen Dubai to launch our new innovative solutions on a global scale," Abu Hamad concluded. "Sammarti is always at the forefront and is dedicated to finding innovative solutions tailored to modern lifestyle, consistent with the Emirates' national innovation strategy and vision."

Smarty delivers a smarter shopping experience for consumers Simple, easy-to-use device. It uses sophisticated technologies that expand business, enhance viewers' capabilities and deliver measurable results to their customers.

Land Rover and Terry Grant Beat the World Record for the Fastest Mile of a Two-Wheeled Car

Dubai – home
Land Rover broke the World Record World Two-wheel drive, where famed lap driver Terry Grant crossed the distance on the Range Rover Sport SVR in two minutes, 24 seconds and 5 games of a second, 30 seconds of his previous record in 2011. This performance was recorded at the Goodwood Speed ​​Festival which took place last weekend.
Grant lifted the left side of the Range Rover? The SVR is mounted on a dedicated track, balancing only two wheels and continuing its track speed up to 60 miles per hour on the famous Goodwood track, setting a new record in the Guinness Book of Records
. The last moments of his attempt Sunday afternoon, having failed 4 previous attempts on the weekend.
The Range Rover Sport SVR is very versatile and features a powerful 575 horsepower engine, 60 mph in just 4.3 seconds, and the secret to allow the car to record the new world record, only one adjustment was made to its differential to provide more power to the two wheels that roll on the road. The air pressure in these two wheels has been increased to 90 psi.
Terry Grant holds 25 world records in his Guinness World Records. In his last attempt to break the record that he scored at the Goodwood Speed ​​Festival in 2011, he was able to split in two minutes and 55 seconds.
Terry Grant said, "The difficulty of driving a car on two wheels should never be underestimated.The driver does his best to keep the car balanced on one side all the time without being knocked over for one reason or another.The driver must remain alert to everything that surrounds it from the curve of the road up to wind energy.Luckily, the conditions were perfect and the Range Rover Sport SVR was the perfect option to accomplish this task. "
The new world record was not the only big event for Land Rover during the Speed ​​Festival, where the company ran seventy-one car of his old and modern models in the largest motorcade walk both on the Goodwood track. The procession, which dates from 1948 to 2018, celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of one of Britain's most famous automotive brands.

Employees in 20% of UAE businesses threaten their workplace when they access work files on their mobile phone

Dubai – home

Smartphones have always been very important to businesses and institutions. Employees of 20% of UAE companies are required to work with their personal cell phones and tablets. According to Kaspersky Lab, 42 million attempts of attacks on mobile devices were recorded in 2017. The company must today ensure that its mobile devices sensitive data stored on it are secure and protected against advanced threats. To help customers meet this challenge, Kaspersky Lab has updated its Kaspersky Security for Mobile software solution, a mobile threat protection solution that provides control, control, and visibility to protect data on Android devices. and iOS. Mobile Devices and Mobility Management Access enterprise document control and manage device settings to provide employees with effective mobility capabilities. These solutions protect business data from leakage if the device is lost or stolen, but generally can not protect devices from advanced threats, such as e-spy applications that can collect information. on the device and send them to the criminals. Since 2014, for example. Attackers using this malicious software can remotely manage the device without the owner's knowledge, tapping surrounding conversations and noise when an infected device enters a specific location.
Businesses need an extra level of protection for their portable devices. , And the detection of flaws and the prevention of known and unknown malware infection, such as the volume of these threats, attacks in the second quarter of this year on mobile users increased by 33% over the first quarter of the year. After a complete update, Kaspersky Security for Mobile has improved its mobile security management to a new level. This mobile threat defense solution combines malware protection and security management with all connected mobile devices, with the ability to integrate with third-party technology platforms

Kaspersky Security for Mobile's features include key defenses against threats to mobile devices related to the prevention, detection and management of threats. The advanced solution exposes the activities of mobile devices, preventing known and new advanced threats using techniques that are aided by machine-learning techniques and information about cloud-based threats.

MasterCard Ingege Helps Technology Partners Accelerate Deployment of Digital Solutions in the Middle East

Dubai – Home
As part of its ongoing efforts to accelerate the growth of Digital Payments in the UAE MasterCard Worldwide, a global leader in payment technology solutions, recently launched the first edition of MasterCard Ingege Middle East and Africa, a global platform dedicated to connecting its customers to technology partners and service providers to help them navigate the world. deploy the latest digital solutions quickly and efficiently. When the cost
As a concrete way to raise awareness of the digital partner community, MasterCard has launched a series of global and regional events for registered technology service providers, such as digital wallet providers. The Engage MasterCard Forum, which was held in Dubai, brought together 32 participants from 25 technology companies from the Middle East and Africa.
In one year, the number of registered partners in the region has doubled, with a lot of work to complete the registration process for the moment. These features include the ability to leverage MasterPass technology to accelerate and surpass e-commerce processes, the technology of replacing sensitive data elements with other non-sensitive technologies (Tokenization), and securing digital transactions. "
Through a series of product trainings and industry discussions, the forum provided technology partners and digital service providers with the knowledge and insights they need to adopt and deploy MasterCard global solutions." proven and operational To improve service and keep up with the latest developments in this field

Twitter unable to reform accounting now

Twitter announced yesterday with tweets published by Kayvon Beykpour, Product Manager, that he is unable to correct the process of documenting current accounts, which provides a blue mark of public accounts, despite continued recognition by Twitter that there must be a clear, transparent and transparent process on the ### Account Authentication and Blue Mark.
A combination of unspecified accounts: world leaders, celebrates iteas, athletes, business leaders and journalists With ordinary people, have received Blue Mark, the company claims that the authentication is mainly intended to confirm the authenticity of the account, not to refer to a any type of authentication, but easy to have no specific system or clear reason to merge the two. The Twitter team is focusing instead on the integrity of the election and on the fight against misinformation in the upcoming mid-term elections in the United States in November and political protests in the United States. 39, other parts of the world.
The official said in a tweet: "They will help We are striving to act more quickly on what we consider to be the most important, and we plan to address the issue of". authentication after we have progressed, and this could happen in four weeks, although the schedule may change. "
In November, the site announced that the authentication process would be stopped in order to provide a better system later and try to find a way to deal with the confusion over what the blue authentication mark means, Accounts when you think they're serving the cat in public
That led to the # 39; emergence of a series of objections because the process is still opaque and contrary to his intention Kayvon Beykpour explained in an e-mail sent to the Twitter team that he does not think not that Twitter is currently able to solve "We are already doing a lot of things, and by focusing on that, we are going to reduce our speed and reduce the quality of the most important areas such as the integrity of the elections."
Provide the credibility and proof of this account, and Many other social networking sites such as Facebook have created such a blue mark, with many Internet users are turning to the owners of Blue Tag to get official comments and honest information, with many fake websites and fake news Published

Samsung develops a new energy-efficient RAM memory

Samsung announced the development of a new new mobile RAM offering energy savings while increasing the rate of data transfer.
الشركة الكورية الجنوبية عن ذاكرة LPDDR5 الأولى, على الرغم من أن المواصفات الرسمية لم تكتمل بعد من قبل JEDEC, وقد تم تصميم الإصدار الموفر في استهلاك الطاقة من ذاكرة DDR5 خصيصا للأجهزة الجوالة, ويصل معدل نقل البيانات للذاكرة العشوائية LPDDR5 الجديدة إلى 6400 ميغابت في الثانية.
ويبلغ معدل الجهد اللازم لذاكرة الوصول العشوائي الجديدة إلى 1.1 فولت, كما يمكن توفير المزيد من الطاقة في الوضع الخاص ليصل معدل الاستهلاك إلى 1.05 فولت, ولكن في المقابل ينخفض ​​معدل نقل البيانات إلى 5500 ميغابت في الثانية.
ويعمل وضع السكون العميق Deep Sleep Mode, المعروف اختصارا DSM, على توفير نسبة أخرى من الطاقة تصل إلى 30%, وتخطط شركة سامسونغ لبدء الإنتاج القياسي من ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي الجديدة خلال العام المقبل. وكالات

الكتابة على أسطوانات البيانات تحتاج إلى أقلام خاصة

عند قيام المستخدم بنسخ أسطوانات البيانات بنفسه, سواء كانت أسطوانات CD أو DVD أو أسطوانات البلوراي, فإنه يتعين عليه استعمال أقلام خاصة تكون مناسبة للكتابة على الأسطوانات.
ويرجع السبب في ذلك, لأن استعمال أقلام التحديد أو الأقلام الجاف قد يتسبب في حدوث أضرار وتلفيات بوسائط البيانات.
بالإضافة إلى أن الملصقات قد تحتوي على مذيبات, كما أن المواد اللاصقة يمكن أن تؤدي إلى تلف أسطوانات البيانات. وكالات

إصدار جديد من برنامج سكايب لأجهزة سطح المكتب

أعلنت شركة مايكروسوفت عن إطلاق الإصدار 8.0 الجديد من برنامج سكايب لأجهزة سطح المكتب.
وأوضحت الشركة الأمريكية أن الإصدار الجديد من برنامج دردشة الفيديو الشهير يزخر بالعديد من الوظائف المتطورة, مثل وظيفة مؤتمر الفيديو بدقة أو مكالمات HD Screen Sharing مع ما يصل إلى 24 مشترك, علاوة على أن وظيفة @ -Mention تتيح للمستخدم إمكانية توجيه الحديث إلى مشارك بعينه أثناء حوارات الدردشة الجماعية.
ومن حساب والتجارية في العامة الجديد من برنامج سكايب وظيفة الإدارة المركز ية للميديا, وهو ما يغني المستخدم عن عملية البحث في سجل الدردشة, بالإضافة إلى إمكانية إرسال ملفات بحجم يصل إلى 300 ميغابايت.
وأوضحت شركة مايكروسوفت أن الإصدار الجديد من برنامج سكايب سيمثل تحولا كبيرا لدى الكثير من المستخدمين, نظرا لأنه سيحل محل جميع الإصدارات القديمة من برنامج دردشة الفيديو.
وسوف تتخلص الشركة الأمريكية من جميع الإصدارات السابقة حتى 1 سبتمبر (أيلول) المقبل, نظرا لوجود الكثير من العوائق التقنية التي تمنع التواصل ما بين الإصدار الجديد والتقنيات القديمة. وكالات

سونوس تجبر المستخدم على إنشاء حساب إلكتروني

أشارت بوابة التقنيات "هايزه أونلاين" الألمانية إلى أنه يتعين على أصحاب الأنظمة الصوتية متعددة الغرف من سونوس إنشاء حساب إلكتروني لمواصلة استعمال الأنظمة الصوتية ولتثبيت التحديثات الجديدة.
وقد أصبح المستخدم مطالبا بالفعل بإنشاء حساب إلكتروني بعد تحديث تطبيق التحكم Sonos Controller, ويسري ذلك على أصحاب الأجهزة الجوالة المزودة بنظام أبل "آي أو إس" أو أجهزة أندرويد.
وأوضحت الشركة الأمريكية على مواقع الدعم الخاصة بها, أن الحساب الإلكتروني سيكون أحد الشروط الأساسية لاستعمال الأنظمة الصوتية من سونوس, وقد ظهرت تعليقات كثيرة بمتاجر التطبيقات ترفض إجبار المستخدم على إنشاء حساب إلكتروني, خشية أن تكون هذه الحسابات وسيلة لجمع المعلومات عن المستخدمين.
ولكن على الجانب الآخر أكدت شركة سونوس على أن إنشاء الحساب الإلكتروني يعتبر بمثابة إجراء وقائي لنظام الصوتي الخاص بالمستخدم, وقد شهدت سياسة الخصوصية المتبعة لدى الشركة الأمريكية تعديلات كثيرة قبل عام تقريبا, وتقوم الشركة حاليا بجمع الكثير من البيانات عن المستخدم من أجل تحسين المنتجات ولأغراض الدعم الفني بصفة خاصة. وكالات

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