Huawei reveals the TalkBand B5 .. Hybrid hybrid bracelet turns into a Bluetooth headset Cavalry network citing Andorra we release Huawei reveal the TalkBand B5 .. Hybrid hybrid bracelet turns into a Bluetooth headset, Huawei reveal the TalkBand B5 .. Intelligent Hybrid Wristband Turns
Huawei Cavalry Network today unveiled its latest intelligent wearable product is a Smart TalkBand B5 bracelet can be used as a Bluetooth headset.
The New Smart Bracelet – or Other It has a design similar to most other fitness monitoring frames, with a 1.13-inch AMOLED touch screen. The most impressive thing is that the user can remove the screen object from its place and use it as a Bluetooth headset, which can be used to make phone calls via a smartphone connected running Android or iOS.

While Huawei has confirmed that TalkBand B5 is compatible with all Android phones running Android 4.4 or higher, and the iPhone phones supported by iOS 9.0 and higher, some features like Caller ID Ignore Incoming Calls will be available exclusively for Ono and Huawei phones running Android 6.0 or later.
Being a Fitness Tracker Basically, the TalkBand B5 is able to measure heart rate and track common sports activities like walking, running, cycling and swimming.
Regarding prices and availability, the Chinese company will release the prices on July 18 and will be available to users in China from July 20 to reach more markets by the end of the year. ;summer.
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Huawei Unveils TalkBand B5 A Smart Hybrid Bracelet Turns Into A Bluetooth Headset Follow Us on Our Social Networking Sites to Get New Information
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