Hussain Al Jasmi and 100 thousand for your mother and your father and you! (Video)


Emirati singer Hussein Al Jasmi launched his new song "Your Mother and Father" in Arabic on Wednesday night, and in less than 24 hours, the song reached 100,000 listeners on YouTube

do not forget one of his songs "good skin", which has achieved great success and conquered the admiration of the Egyptian and Arab public and has achieved more than 300 million views

(your mother and father) words Ayman Bahgat Amar and composed by Walid Saad. The song says:

Even in the hands of scissors Hqas Yama and Yama Mahdash Bia sense / smile and smile even in the hands of scissors Hqs / Yamama and Yama Ghadr Betadad lesson lesson Talmosh stack Dahab Ttras and people Mikdroosh wants to speak / from the other father and your mother and your father / father and mother And the rest safely. Your father and your mother and your father and your mother and you and the rest with security /
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