I am not under house arrest in Dubai


Details of this story Artist Zina: I'm not under house arrest in Dubai

The Egyptian artist Zeina denied in a statement last night that she was under house arrest in Dubai on background of quarrel between her and an American family Arab origins. This comes after rumors that the US consulate in Dubai intervened in the quarrel between the Egyptian star and the American family, which prevented the parties from traveling until the end of the investigation.
The Egyptian star confirmed that she had been assaulted "The main reason for her stay in Dubai is to look after the teeth of her sons, Ezz and Zein, who are the sons of Egyptian star Ahmed Ezz.
The Egyptian artist Zeina has already published A photo of her with the famous dentist Majd N Aji confirmed that she was in Dubai to beautify her teeth and treat the teeth of her children in her clinic It's worth noting that she re-edited the post the next day to confirm that the reason for her visit to Dubai is to treat and beautify her teeth and teeth. "The Egyptian actress Zina was accused of assaulting an American family in Dubai last month.The emirate police received a statement and sent a patrol to the scene Zina, her sister, the American tourist and her family were taken to The station was asked to go to the hospital for to confirm that he and his family had been assaulted. According to the news, Zeina shouted at the American tourist's daughter and insulted her: her father, when he approached her, did not know who would tell her that her daughter did not know the language Arabic and that she should not scream like that. The girl told him that he did not know who she was, but she attacked him and his daughter and his wife and took the girl's phone and broke it, depending on the traffic was leaked video of the suit and Khi at the Atlantis Hotel during the quarrel and still the case Under the secret investigation of the Dubai Police Close to Zeina that this case ends without negatively affecting Nomey or already stretched relationship with the father of his two children, the star Ahmed Ezz.

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Source: Emirates Today

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