I do not have the right to talk to the media


Paul Bojba, Manchester United player, confirmed that the management of the English club had prevented him from speaking to the media.

The French midfielder is suffering from the walls of Old Trafford, where he has been linked more than once to the departure of the Red Devils.

Bogba provoked crises earlier because of his statements to the media, especially those concerning his coach José Mourinho.

The Daily Mail reported that the media tried to talk to Bogba after losing to Juventus on Tuesday in the Champions League.

Manchester United sank in the third round of the group stage.

The newspaper said that "Bogba" had refused to talk to the media, where he had said: "Not me, I can not speak, no right to speak."

"I want to talk, but I was told that I would not do it, it's not me who made the decision," said the 25-year-old.

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Source: Tournaments

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