Images For her birthday Nadra Amin is the first singer to sing in Egyptian cinema


The 112th anniversary of the birth of Nadra Amin, first Egyptian film singer in 1932, is now in the song of the heart.

was not only rare, but the picture was placed the same year on the cover of the first issue of Planet Magazines, the oldest art magazine in the colors of News Arab, a number that was put on the market on March 28, 1932. 19659002] On the other hand, it is rare that some singers write poetic poems, in which the great and vast Iraqi poet Jamil Sedqi al-Zahar wrote a poem in which he wrote:

between your songs and your beautiful face

Nadra was born on July 17, 1906 and died on July 24, 1990 and lived for 84 years, one of Rachid's Egyptian father, at the age of 18 years. origin because of the known Sheta family there, and the mother of Lebanese origin.

Rare singer, she studied the oud by a musician named Yusuf Amran, and learned to sing the songs and Nadra was lucky to sing at the 1929 ceremony in the presence of the poets Ahmed Shawki emir and the musician Mohammed Abdel Wahab.

A number of songs were featured on Egyptian radio, including the cotton song, and he goes with the Nile flowers, among the flowers, roses, jasmine, and water of the island. Water, O moon.

The drama was featured in three films, the radio song in 1936 and the ghost of the past in 1934, and the heart poem in 1932

is considered one of the oldest artists who sang to the Egyptian army in 1948. In contrast, From the revolution of July 1952.

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