In 6 Information .. Read more about the lunar eclipse expected tomorrow


Millions of people in Egypt and the Arab world are eagerly awaiting the phenomenon of the total eclipse of the moon, which is the longest astronomical event of the 21st century.

The phenomenon of lunar eclipses occurs when the Earth's shadow obscures the sun's reflected light from the moon in normal situations. This phenomenon occurs when the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon are in a planetary state. perfect and are exposed "totally or partially". ]

The lunar eclipse should last 103 minutes while remaining on the surface of the Earth, because of the intersection of the sun and the moon, the moon turns red and the lunar eclipse goes through several stages, including: 19659002

1- 19659008 [19659009] The eclipse begins at 21:30 Cairo time

2 – The phenomenon was called the moon a reddish orange color of the redness of the moon, which is the main source is the reflection of the sun.

3. When the sun goes down and shines, the broken light becomes more scattered and removes the blue colors of the sky, making them orange or red.

4. The globe plays the role of the lens to make the moon red, where the red orange light falls on the moon.

5. The eclipse lasts one hour and 43 minutes.

6 – The longest total lunar eclipse on the moon in the 21st century.

There are three types of eclipses, total eclipses and occurs when the entire moon enters the region of the earth's shadow. In this case, the entire lunar disc disappears, resulting in a total loss of vision in the middle of the night

A partial eclipse occurs when part of the moon enters the region of the shadow of the Earth, in which case part of the lunar disc disappears.

A sub-shadow eclipse occurs when the moon enters a semi-shaded area, in which case the moonlight becomes weak without falling.

The semi-shaded region is the region where part of the light The moon's sun observer sees it partially obscured. This type is not classified as a legitimate eclipse, so that for the total eclipse to occur, the old khasovans must occur. At the beginning of the total eclipse, the color of the moon tends to red because of the red rays that can not be absorbed from the top of the earth's atmosphere.

The Horizontal Eclipse

When the sun and the lunar eclipse are observed at the same time, this eclipse is called the horizontal eclipse Selenehelion ].

This can happen only before sunset or after Sunrise directly, both sprouts will appear completely over the horizon at almost opposite points in the sky and the sun and moon can be observed simultaneously because the refraction of light reflects the image of both germs above the eastern or western horizon. This is a visible visual tour.

The term "Bloody Moon" is not a scientific term but has been used because of the reddish color of the moon completely decomposed, due to the penetration of the spectrum of the Red Sun. (Long wavelength) in the Earth 's atmosphere and disperses the blue (short wave length) spectrum (see real – time scattering), as well as air pollution factors that affect the amount of solar radiation.

Also, in 2010, the media began linking this term to the sequence of four total satellite losses in 2014-2015 and separated each eclipse and the last six months.

Cause of the phenomenon

The phenomenon of the lunar eclipse occurs in the middle of the lunar month when the earth obscures the sun's light or a part of it from the Moon. At the rate of losers per year. Eclipse can be seen in areas where the moon is above the horizon. This phenomenon occurs through the following stages

The moon begins to enter the semi-shadow of the Earth penumbra and its light begins to fade without being overshadowed. And the semi-shadow region in which part of the moon's sunlight is blocked by the Earth.

The moon then begins to enter the shadow of the earth. Umbra .

The entire lunar disc disappears at the end of its entry into the region of the Earth's shadow

The moon then begins to emerge from the shadow of the earth, ending the # 39, total eclipse.

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