In a few hours .. Real Madrid get rid of his defender


The Spanish press confirms that Real is about to abandon the services of French duo Theo Hernandez for a season loaned to Real Sociedad.

Real Madrid managed to beat Barcelona in the summer of 2017 by signing Theo Hernández from Atletico Madrid, but the player will not last more than one season.

(19659002) The Spanish club intends to press Nacho Fernandez as Marcelo's rival on the left side of the new season with Theo giving the chance to play for the Basque side for a season hoping to regain levels With the team of Elche during the 2016/2017 season before joining Stanyag

According to the Marca newspaper, Theo called his colleagues from Real Madrid after Saturday's group training and confirmed that he will not be with the team next season.

Real Madrid should get rid of Andrei Lunen, the Ukrainian goalkeeper and Marcos Llorente, loaned from Theo.

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