Industrial production in the United States recovers in June


Industrial production in the United States rose more than expected last month, boosted by a recovery in manufacturing performance.

US Federal Reserve data show Tuesday that US industrial production rose 0.6% in June last month, down 0.5% from the previous month.

Analysts expected an increase in US industrial production of 0.5% over the same period.

Data show an increase in mining output of 1.2%, an increase in manufacturing output of 0.8% and a decline of 1.5%

On an annual basis, industrial production in the United States United States rose 3.8% in June over the same period of 2017.

US industrial production increased in the second quarter of this year at an annual rate of 6%, The third consecutive quarterly increase [19659002] Data also showed a high absorption index Industrial capacity rose 0.3 points to 78 points last month.

At around 13:25 GMT, the major dollar index, which measures the performance of the currency against 6 major currencies, rose 0.2% to $ 94,682.

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